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来源:中国网发布时间:2017-12-14 20:24:17
导语:大家好,欢迎来到碰词儿现场!咱们今天要谈论“高速光伏公路”。全球首条高速光伏公路已在山东省济南市初步建成,该公路计划于今年12月向公众开放。光伏公路通过将收集的太阳能转化为电能,能为在路面上行驶的电动汽车充电。高速光伏公路可以在冬天实时感知道路结冰情况,自动除冰融雪;此外,通过与信息技术和大数据的衔接,这种公路还将实现道路与车辆的信息交互,为无人驾驶汽车提供技术支持。Photovoltaic ExpresswayHi! W...






Photovoltaic Expressway

Hi! Welcome to “About China”!

In today’s program, we will talk about ”photovoltaic expressway”.

The world's first photovoltaic expressway has begun to take shape in the city of Jinan, Shandong. The expressway is set to open to the public in December this year.

With the capability of generating electricity under sunlight, photo voltaic roads can release power to electric vehicles passing on them.

Photovoltaic expressway can detect icy conditions and melt snow and ice automatically in winter.

In addition, by linking to information technology and big data, photovoltaic expressway has achieved information interaction of roads and vehicles and provides technical support to unmanned vehicles.

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